Dont Presume !

Well with my kind of experience in this field though i haven't meet much of high profile executives or the people actually looking into the IT sales business...But for sure what i have heard so far from my colleages or my seniors doesn't really give a good image; well it definately gives me a thin feeling that the sales guy are very particular about their job (and their job only) and don't really entertain the people who come for the client accounts these Sales Manager are actually taking care of...But this whole thing changed when i meet my PES Sales Manager up here in Atlanta..Well though its was my first interaction in my career but definitely took me high as i learned that presuming the things before it actually happens makes lot of things worse than it would actually be. The best thing is to let it happen and then you can actually make a conclusion; Possibly for few it wouldn't be a nice experience as i had which torn me apart to think differently but for those who have experienced a great moment, learn a lot from it which they wouldn't have if we already have presumed the out comings.


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