My Way of Doing it !!!

Well this day started off just like any other day in my past 25 years of my life. Getting up in the morning, brushing off the teeth, cleaning of clothes, ultimately going out for McDonald's supper in the night eating the Junk foods for the sake of atleast doing something than getting yourself bored sitting right in the dark corner of the house in the raining Friday ! One thing that made all the difference is the I-Day celebrations @ my Apartments on the Ground Floor where the tenants celebrated the very day we call "स्वतंत्रता दिवस" in hoisting of the Indian Tricolor, singing the Jan-Gan-Man, saluting the nations heros for their sacrifice & paying tributes to the leaders of freedom struggle for which we all Indians could have a bright future and an Sovereign Nation.

Wishing all my friends, relatives and all the Indians a very Happy Independence Day !


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