300 : Movie Trailor
It is there. With the point of your mouse, the top of this article. The trailer of film 300, the film adaptation of a written comic strip of Frank Miller (Sin City), is from now on available on the fabric. 300 will report the account of 300 combatants Spartans who, directed by Léonidas, will battle vis-a-vis the army Persian of king Xerxès in Thermopyles. Realized by Zack Snyder (the army of dead), this trailer of film makes it possible to dribble literally in front of the graphic work of very great quality realized by the studios in charge of the special effects. Contrasts of the lights seizing, approaching in a very realistic way of are returned proposed by the comic strip.
It is there. With the point of your mouse, the top of this article. The trailer of film 300, the film adaptation of a written comic strip of Frank Miller (Sin City), is from now on available on the fabric. 300 will report the account of 300 combatants Spartans who, directed by Léonidas, will battle vis-a-vis the army Persian of king Xerxès in Thermopyles. Realized by Zack Snyder (the army of dead), this trailer of film makes it possible to dribble literally in front of the graphic work of very great quality realized by the studios in charge of the special effects. Contrasts of the lights seizing, approaching in a very realistic way of are returned proposed by the comic strip.