Quite Philosophical
As for me i believe that life teaches you all and thats what i have been taught from the days that passed by me teaching the very fact that its you and only you who decides how to live your life.Thats for sure is you will realise someday and the day is not far.
Well i will say that its better to live as a warrior than being a mere human being who takes life granted as its comes, have the faith but not that much that you deserve more, lacks the self-confidence and daring to do new things, like to be in the crowd rather than leading the army of crowd..
As for me i believe that life teaches you all and thats what i have been taught from the days that passed by me teaching the very fact that its you and only you who decides how to live your life.Thats for sure is you will realise someday and the day is not far.
Well i will say that its better to live as a warrior than being a mere human being who takes life granted as its comes, have the faith but not that much that you deserve more, lacks the self-confidence and daring to do new things, like to be in the crowd rather than leading the army of crowd..